
Jan. 1, 2023

Notes: Automata, Grammars, and Computability

Week 1 (01/09, 01/11) Automata are machines. They have a grammar that they can follow. Deterministic finite automata are a subset of FSM. It can take in input from the set $\Epsilon$. For each input character from the set, there is an arrow drawn for each state. $\epison$ is used to represent an empty String. Strings are sequences, not sets. Order matters.

Jan. 1, 2023

Notes: C and Software Tools

This class focuses on the C99 standard. ssh [unity_id] # To access Common Platform, used for grading gcc -Wall -std=c99 # To compile Week 1 (01/09, 01/11) C is a procedural language, not object-oriented. Both C and Java are imperative. They contain series of instructions on HOW to compute something, not just what to compute. The first C standard was C89 (1989/1990-ish). Features of C can be hardware-dependent. For example, the capacity of int can be limited depending on the machine compiling/running the code.

Jan. 1, 2023

Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms

Week 1 (01/09, 01/11) Week 2 (01/17, 01/19) Sorting Algorithms Comparison Sorting Algorithms Best Worst Description bogo already sorted: $T(n) = n - 1 = O(n)$ $T(n)$ is unbounded Shuffle until sorted, O(n) bubble already sorted: $T(n) = n - 1 = O(n)$ reverse sorted: $T(n) = n(n-1) = O(n^2)$ Adjacent values are swapped until the end is reached, O(n^2) insertion already sorted: $T(n) = n - 1 = O(n)$ reverse sorted: $T(n) = \sum_{1}^{n-1} i = \frac{n^2-n}{2} = O(n^2)$ Smaller values are shifted forwards so that a larger value can move up in the data structure, O(n^2) selection $O(n^2)$ $O(n^2)$ Smallest value is selected and moved to the front, O(n^2) Other Sorting Algorithms Best Worst Description counting O(n + k) Creates a dotplot, which can be used to calculate index of each element radix counting sort, but focuses on place value rather than creating a “bucket” for each value in the range of elements

Jan. 1, 2023

Notes: Introduction to Statistical Inference and Regression

Dec. 24, 2022


For Cari, by FLETCHER (Girl Of My Dreams).

Dec. 24, 2022

Music: Everybody Hurts

Everybody Hurts, by Avril Lavigne (Goodbye Lullaby).

Dec. 24, 2022

Music: For Cari

For Cari, by FLETCHER (Girl Of My Dreams).

Dec. 16, 2022

Notes: CSC 226

Since I had already taken MA225 over the summer, I figured that I could self-study CSC226 over the winter.

I’ll be referring to these videos by Dr. Barnes, some of these problems for practice, and these lecture notes as a supplement.

Dec. 13, 2022

Music: Older / 成長

I like both the English and Chinese versions of this song.

Dec. 7, 2022

Songs-To-Learn List

This is a list of songs I want to be able to play/sing.

Dec. 6, 2022

Notes: Calculus III [MA 242]

I took MA242 in Fall 2022, with Spencer Daugherty. The instructor was great, but to be honest, I didn’t really enjoy the material. I remember Calc I/II was fine (fun, even), but this was a different beast. It might be because I last took calculus in Spring 2020, more than two years ago.

Dec. 6, 2022

Notes: Intro to CS Research Methods [CSC 298]

I took CSC298 with Dr. Catete, with guidance from Isabella Gransbury and Amy Isvik. It was a three-credit course, but the work definitely was lighter side.

Dec. 6, 2022

Notes: Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory [ST 371]

I took ST371 in Fall 2022, with Dr. Opperman. This class was fairly easy, mostly because I had already taken Statistics in high school. This course counts as a CSC program requirement, in combination with ST372.

Dec. 6, 2022

Notes: Software Development Fundamentals (+Lab) [CSC 216/217]

I took CSC216/217 in Fall 2023, with Dr. Heckman.

We were encouraged to use TYPOS. However, I didn’t touch it until the week before exams.

Dec. 5, 2022

Project: WolfScheduler and PackScheduler [CSC 216/217]

Nov. 30, 2022

Music: I'm Trying (Not Friends)

I listened to this song >500x in 2022 (according to Spotify, at least).

Nov. 17, 2022

Project: System Test Plan Manager [CSC 216]

Oct. 20, 2022

Project: RequirementsManager [CSC 216]

Oct. 20, 2022

WE22 Conference: 10/20-10/23/22